January News 2025
January 28, 2025
Happy New Year!
We're at the end of January in the year 2025. This is a big year in the sci-fi world. Apes may take over after a new virus sweeps through the land, we may start eating the elderly, or robots will soon plan their takeover. I hope it's apes. Let it be apes.
My apologies for not keeping up with this newsletter. You may or may not recall, but my last newsletter was in March of 2024. Why so long ago, you ask? I've been writing the new Leroy Cutter novel. It was not easy. The book was started and restarted several times, and at one point, I had come close to completing the book but hated everything about it. Well, not everything. But I hated it enough to start over from the beginning. None of that matters now. I am writing today to tell you that the first draft of the third book in the Leroy Cutter series is done.
There is still a lot of work to be had, but getting that first draft to the finish line was a huge milestone. The first draft is the hardest part. Of course, in a couple of months, I'll go on about the difficulty of editing. Doesn't matter. Regardless of what I lament about in the coming months, know that writing the first draft is the hardest!
Finally, we lost a giant this month. I'm talking about David Lynch. I won't go on about why I think he is/was one of the most important artists of our time and that we should count ourselves lucky to have lived while he worked. You either love him or hate him. I happened to love him. And with that, I'll leave you with this haiku in his honor.
Red curtains unfold,
Dreams and darkness intertwine,
Mystery remains.
All my best,